Important Endorsement

It’s because I have worked so hard to ensure quality postal service that I am excited to receive the endorsements of New York State Association of Letter Carriers (NYSALC), National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU), and the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (NRLCA). I am proud that they have chosen to support me in this election. I’m very proud of what Paul Hogrogian, President Local 300 Mail Handlers Union, had to say:
“When postal workers needed a friend in Congress, Michael Grimm had the courage to stand with us. Now it is our turn to stand with him. I am proud to endorse Michael Grimm for re-election to Congress.”
To see the pictures of me spending a day “on the job” with the Staten Island USPS, check out my Facebook page. Would you consider joining our team?
Michael Grimm
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