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I just returned from a productive Executive board meeting, the first in a long time as far as I can see. Under the new leadership, spear headed by incoming President Brian Wagner and his resident officers, the feeling is very positive. We had four decision makers visit the board which produced positive results. Our consultative meeting with U.S.P.S. produced a lot of answers something that was lacking in the past. The old saying “The answers are right here in the room prevailed at this session.”

Violence in the work place is a top priority of this administration, and we are working hard to resolve what we feel is an injustice to all EAS. The way the program is designed it definitely favors the craft. If charges are lodged against a supervisor our only defense is to write a statement on what we believed happened. Presently we can’t face our accusers, H.R. specialists at the lowest level, DRT. team members and of course Arbitrators who render a decision. What we would like is to be able to face our accusers get our side of the story told, and a remedy each side can live with. A motion was passed by the Executive board to get out of the Violence in the workplace program, but we are still hopeful that something can be worked out to keep us in the process. (STAY TUNED)

SWCS process

Jimmy Warden and I are in talks with Doug Tulino and Ed Phelan of the USPS and I am confident we will be able to work something out concerning the SWCS process. We mutually agreed that the present SWCS calculations are not conducive to today’s business environment. It was also agreed that the state of the business must be taken into consideration in the final determination, and any positions that are added, the EAS must perform the duties the position was intended for and not be placed on details. Non Traditional Supervisors was also discussed. These supervisors will have Sunday as a regular work day to cover the Amazon hubs. Their schedule would require them to work in different stations and their hours of work will vary from station to station. After everything is agreed upon and put in place Mr. Phelan has agreed to use the Northeast area as a test site. Stations from level 18s 20s,22s,24s and above will be used and NAPS will be consulted on all stations picked. Reviews will be conducted and monitored to establish how many EAS are needed to properly manage these stations and branches for that group level. This information will then be compared to the present SWCS calculations and adjustments made if necessary. This is not an easy process and the fact that USPS is allowing us to try this out in a certain area shows me that they are willing to work with us to end the SWCS issue once and for all. Seven day operations, expanded hours of operation rest days, and additional duties for supervisors that have been added in fiscal year 2016 were also discussed.


Charlie Scialla addressed the board concerning adverse action representation. He advised us that some cases are being sent to him without an address and telephone number of the appellant, making it hard for him to contact the person who the adverse action is being taken against. The officer of the branch submitting the case must acknowledge that the appellant is a member in good standing of the submitting branch. We have had cases in the past where non-members were represented and the branch who submitted the paper work were billed for their representation. Branches submitting cases must be sure paperwork is filled out properly and that the member is a member in good standing at the time adverse action is taken against them.


The Northeast area will be hosting another seminar in Puerto Rico March 24th-25th 2017 at the Marriott San Juan Resort & Stellaris Casino. We have put together another outstanding training agenda consisting of SWCS, NPA, Violence in the workplace, the State of the Postal service, officer training and much more. Rooms will be at a premium so if you have intentions of attending, please book your rooms, they will be on a first come first served basis. We have always sold out this seminar and this one will be the best ever. The seminar is being hosted by Jim Warden, Hans Aglidian, Greg Murphy, and myself.

In closing I would like to say that I am happy with the direction our NAPS organization is headed under the new leadership of the present resident officers and their staff. I believe that they have the best interests of NAPS at heart and will represent the membership proudly. They in a short time have renewed my confidence in our future as the greatest management association bar none. Good luck Gentlemen and I will serve proudly.

Stay Strong

Tommy Roma, N.E.R.V.P.

A Message from Senator Charles E. Schumer

Dear Mr. Roma:
Thank you for contacting me to express your support for the Social Security Fairness Act of 2015 (S.1651). I share your belief that retired teachers, police officers, firefighters, federal employees and others who dedicated their lives to public service should not bear an undue burden from budget cuts.

The Social Security Fairness Act of 2015 would repeal the Government Pensions Office (GPO) requirements which apply to spouses, widows and widowers, and parents who receive Social Security benefits. Currently, under the GPO, the benefits due to these individuals are reduced if they also have a government pension based on work not covered by Social Security. This bill would also repeal the Windfall Elimination Provisions (WEP), which reduces Social Security benefits for individuals in the Federal Civil Service Retirement System.

The Social Security Fairness Act of 2015 has been referred the Senate Committee on Finance. As a member of this committee, I will closely review this bill and I will continue to oppose cuts to Social Security as part of any deficit reduction package.

Again, thank you for contacting me regarding this important issue. Please feel free to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance on this or any other matter.


Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator

Please do not respond to this email. To send another message please visit my website at . Thank you.


As I look around at the upcoming changes on the Executive Board, Resident Officers, and possibly our DDF provider Scialla associates, I can’t help but wonder the faith of NAPS. It will be a very challenging time for the Executive Board to come together for the future of NAPS. It is time to put aside our petty differences and all work for the betterment of NAPS.

The report of the finance committee was incomplete. The chairman gave her report and stated that she would not give the report on the building at this time because she did not want to upset some board members. What did she mean? Were they planning on getting bids for the sale of the building, your guess is as good as mine. The building is the mainstay of naps and perhaps the greatest accomplishment of our late and great president Vince Palladino. It is completely paid for, fully rented, tax free, and we pay no rent. It was purchased for close to 4 million and in today’s market is valued at 17 million. I know that this stupidity will never get past the floor if presented, the membership will vote it down. What the hell are some board members thinking?

As for violence in the work place, the Executive Board passed a motion made by Hans Aglidian that NAPS secede from our commitment to this program based on past and present history that it favors the craft and management associations really don’t have a say in the process. I believe I have come up with a solution that is favorable to both NAPS and the postal service which would enable us to stay in the program and finally have our day in court.

The restructuring committee was formed after the last convention to comply with the wishes of the membership as to what NAPS s was doing to streamline the board and areas. The committee reported at the last Executive Board meeting some pretty good ideas which will be reported to the membership at our convention.

The SWCS committee has been working hard to come up with some solutions to help the front line supervisor who is on the firing line. I agreed to help Jimmy Warden in his quest to get something from the USPS for the SWCS process. We have met with the postal service and laid out our plan. They took our information and agreed to get back to us. Recently they called to set up another meeting which in the past meant that our information was good and they would like to share what they came up with. This is the way it is done and it takes time.

Finally, I am running for another term of office as your Regional Vice President. I will put my record up against anyone who has served for as long as I have. I was elected as the N.Y. Area Vice President in Alaska in 2000 and immediately set out to make a difference. After the untimely death of my friend Andy Sozzi I was elevated to North East Region Vice President a job I was doing along with mine. I am proud to report that we have the best region in membership, along with adverse actions won or settled. I have never lost a case during my tenure as the New York Area V.P. or the Regional V.P. I will continue to do the job I love most defending supervisors and hope that you will send me back for another term. Let me conclude by saying it has been an honor and privilege for me to be the Northeast Region Vice President for the greatest membership any one can have. God bless you and god bless America.

Stay strong
Tommy Roma