Date April 3, 2018
NAPS Northeast Area Branches
I hope this letter finds you and your members in good spirits after this long and hard winter. Now that spring has hopefully arrived and our thoughts turn to warmer days, I want to thank all of the branches in the Northeast Area for the support you have given me since I assumed the role as your Northeast Region VP.
We have been through a lot together, Including consolidations, restructuring, downsizings, and we have made it through these events working together throughout the Postal Service’s Northeast area. You know that you can count on me when you need help.
Now, I am asking for your help. I am running for re-election to serve you for another two year term as your NAPS Northeast Region Vice President to continue to represent you and the members of your branches. I would appreciate your full support so that I can continue to be your voice for NAPS at the regional and national level.
The NAPS Northeast Region is #1 in membership because of the work that you do at the local level. The support that I receive from you, your Area Vice Presidents, Jimmy Warden, Hans Aglidian, and Greg Murphy, is second to none. We have a good thing going here In the NAPS Northeast Region, and with your support we can continue to be the best.
I hope to see you at the conventions in our region, where we can discuss any matters that are important to you and your members.
Best regards & Stay Strong.
Tommy Roma
Northeast Region Vice President.