Category: Events

Supervisor Apprentice Program

N.E.R.V.P. Tommy Roma seated right, Postmaster John Tortorice seated left,
with new class of Customer Service applicants for Supervisor Apprentice Program
kickoff at Brooklyn plant on July 31, 2023.  
All 12 new supervisors became NAPS members.

N.E.R.V.P. Tommy Roma center, along with Brooklyn Plant Mgr. Tara Murray to his left,
with Instructor Paul Stremel back left, enjoy kickoff of Supervisor Apprentice Program
for plant at Brooklyn G.M.F on August 2, 2023. In attendance were all
coaches, mentors, and new EAS apprentice supervisors.

Successful Puerto Rico Seminar

Tommy and Cathy Roma

Tommy and Cathy Roma

FROM LEFT M/M Bruce Nicholson, M/M Elvin Mercado

From left M/M Bruce Nicholson, M/M Elvin Mercado

Naps & USPS officials attending Branch 216 Puerto Rico meeting

NAPS & USPS officials attending Branch 216 Puerto Rico meeting

Cathy & Tommy Roma flying down to Puerto Rico for successful N.E. Area seminar

Cathy & Tommy Roma flying down to Puerto Rico for a successful N.E. Area seminar

From left Jim Warden, Doug Tulino, Tommy Roma, Dee Perez, Bruce Nicholson

From left Ivonne, Liga, Tommy, Vilma.

From left Ivonne, Lijia, Tommy, Vilma.

Our Tommy conducting successful seminar

Our Tommy conducting a successful seminar

Susan. Cathy. Tommy. and Doug enjoying dinner.

Susan, Cathy, Tommy, and Doug enjoying dinner.

Puerto Rico SPAC Shirts for April 29th on Sale now through April 3rd

Each shirt is only $35.00, and 100% of the money goes to SPAC. Shirt orders cannot be placed after April 3rd, so please order before the deadline. The preferred method of payment is by check payable to SPAC.

Order your shirt(s) through Jimmy Warden and mail your check to Dee Perez, NY Area VP, 262 Mallard Road, Carle Place, NY 11514-2022. When ordering, please indicate your size(s) so that when you arrive in Puerto Rico on Friday, April 28th, you will receive your ordered shirts when you sign in for training.

Please note: The SPAC contribution when you purchase your Shirt(s); although the collected SPAC funds are credited to the Northeastern Regional Seminar Area as a whole, your donations are credited to your state for the year. 

Support SPAC by ordering your shirt(s) today! 

Board Memo 016-2023: EAS Carry Survey WTD Overview Update

NAPS HQ continues to request, receive, and monitor the EAS work hours that are being reported on the survey in conjunction with the NAPS negotiated memorandum that all exempt Postmasters level 22 and below and all exempt Station Managers of Customer Service be entitled to additional pay should the need arise where they are required to deliver mail. As a reminder, this data can serve to validate the mandate that EAS deliver mail in violation of the CBA as well as support the request for additional pay for work hours used for the “delivery of mail.”

NAPS is receiving weekly updates on this data. The last results were shared in Board Memo 015-2023 (February 27, 2023). Attached are the most recent survey results from March 10 and March 14.

Please share this information with your membership.

Click here for Survey results from March 10 and Survey results from March 14