Author: tommyroma

Please share this announcement with your members at the local level:

NAPS Invokes Rights under Title 39, USC and requests Fact Finding:

On Monday, November 14, 2011, the National Association of Postal Supervisors initiated a request to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) to enter Fact Finding with the United States Postal Service in accordance with procedures in 39 U.S.C. Section 1004(f) and 29 CFR Part 1404.

Now that our request for Fact Finding has been submitted, pursuant to 39 U.S.C. Section 1004(f)(2), within 15 days after receiving our request, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service shall provide a list of seven (7) individuals recognized as experts in supervisory and managerial pay policies.

Each party shall designate one individual from the list to serve on the panel. If, within 10 days after the list is provided, either of the parties has not designated an individual from the list, the Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service shall make the designation. The first two individuals designated from the list shall meet within 5 days and shall designate a third individual from the list.

The third individual shall chair the panel. If the two individuals designated from the list are unable to designate a third individual within 5 days after their first meeting, the Director shall designate the third individual. In addition to the submission to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, we served notice to the Postal Service of our intentions to initiate Fact Finding.

As further information becomes available we will release it to the membership. We appreciate your support in this matter.

NAPS Resident Officers

EAS Pay Package for Fiscal Years 2011-2015

Dear Mr. Atkins:

Enclosed is the Postal Service’s final decision concerning changes in pay policies, schedules, and fringe benefit programs for supervisors. This decision is the outcome of the pay consultation process outlined in Title 39, U.S. Code, § 1004 (e). This decision was made following full and fair consideration of recommendations submitted by the National Association of Postal Supervisors.

This compensation package covers fiscal years 2011 through 2015.


Doug A. Tulino

Download EAS Pay Package here.

Testimony Presented by NAPS President Louis Atkins to the US Senate – September 6, 2011

Thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today.  My testimony expresses the views of the three management associations that represent the 75,000 managers, postmasters, supervisors and other non-bargaining unit employees of the United States Postal Service.  Those management organizations are the National Association of Postal Supervisors, the National Association of Postmasters of the United States and the National League of Postmasters.

Without question, the United States Postal Service is in a desperate financial situation.  It has never reached this state of affairs since its creation as a self-supporting government establishment in 1970.  It is only weeks away from being unable to meet the 2006 financial obligation that Congress and the Administration imposed on it.  As a result, it will default on that payment.

Download the complete testimony here.

Postal Supervisor


There is an old cliche, “When your neighbor loses his job we are in a recession, when you lose your job we are in a depression”! Well, we all still have a job so I guess we are in a recession and anyone who has been on the workfloor over the last couple of months just might think differently. All our bread and butter mail, the credit card solicitations, the catalogs, the magazines, even the charity (non-profit) mail has diminished.

It is not our fault, do not blame yourself, just pick up the paper and turn on the TV and another long established firm has folded putting more of our neighbors on the unemployment lines. Then there’s the Big 3 automakers begging for money from Uncle Sam with so much riding on the outcome. Besides the current employees, hundreds of thousands of retirees are in jeopardy. Parts manufacturers depend on the auto industry for their livelihood, no cars sold, no need for parts, another business gone. No cars selling, no advertising mail for USPS. My home Borough of Staten Island, part of the Big Apple with a population of over 400,000 had one Ford Dealer, go under.

All of this comes back to USPS and our future. This era makes the 1992 reorganization aka RIF look insignificant. I have never felt the pain from every level of employee. Carriers who for years shrugged off the clerk automation woes with the crack “What are they going to do, get robots?” Now wonder if they will have a route and even the senior carriers are concerned with their real street time in the DPS, FSS and no volume mode.

The most popular website is the appropriate Union WWW and the contract is read over and over with the inevitable question, Can they really do that? Several months ago I was honored when another member asked for re-print rights to my article “The Job we Love to Hate”. No one wants to lose their job especially if you are in mid career and recognize just how tough the brutal, cold reality of this economy can be.

We have survived every challenge from the telegraph, telephone and now computers with their e-mail. We have managed to re-invent ourselves time and time again to survive as The Post Office. Will the government come to our rescue and realize we perform a PUBLIC SERVICE? Do the Police and Fire Departments pay their own way? As someone who started his career as POD being a cabinet level position with appropriations from Uncle Sam, providing universal Postal Service. Is it time to look back to our future?

Will the very same politicians who say no, no, no to any and all consolidations to save money be willing to step up to the plate and provide the funds to continue reliable Postal Service? These politicians hear the daily complaints of no and late delivery. Make a few phone calls and everything is good or is it? The local station, branch, Post Office is the most visible part of our government to the entire country. Politicians know this and jump on the slightest chance to play the part of the hero with a press conference and “I will not tolerate any cuts in service”.

We have our greatest opportunity at this LTS to send the message from Maine to Alaska, YOU cannot have it both ways, we can not continue as a cash cow and maintain the level of service your constituents expect and deserve.

We have a new administration, that must be educated on what is going on in the Post Office real world, this is NOT a game show, This is the future of a 233 year old American Institution with its roots to Ben Franklin and all the founding fathers. We dare not fail!

Tommy Roma

No one asked me but . . . . . . . .

The vast majority of our NAPS membership were craft employees. I entered the Post Office (along with Ben Franklin) as a Letter Carrier. I took pride in my position, realized I held a position of importance to my customers and worked well with others, including “Supervision”. As an Adult I recognized that I would not agree with every decision on every day but knew this was the nature of the position and on LIFE!

As I travel through cyberspace and visit the various Postal Blogs, The personal, obscene, denigrating comments posted embarrass an old US Navy sailor to the point of tears. Yes, I understand frustration but this type of behavior feeds the fire of hatred, mistrust, and division. We continue to find the enemy and unfortunately, It is US! These termites destroy the organization from the inside and only contribute to an increasingly volatile situation.

The parallels of the 1993 Runyon RIF again jump out at me: “I have a job but my ‘dream’ job is posted only for affected employees”. “My specific position title was eliminated but in the MARS District, they have the same job”. WOW, Tom got a promotion out of the RIF and I am still stuck with my same job! There is no perfect solution to this RIF. Realize you are in a damage control status and need to accept this situation which was not created by you! I miss the ‘Old’ Post Office more than any of my readers. I grew up in it, lived all of my adult life in it, and am saddened by what has happened to it! We must make the best of this horrible RIF and insure YOUR continued employment with USPS. A recent retiree with over 36 years of service, an MBA degree found out the cold reality of the new workforce, Turkey Hills “Sales Associate” at minimum wage The world is as cold as their Ice Cream in six months he will be up to $8 per hour.

nuff said,

Tom Roma

Senate Committee Approves Postal Reform Bill

NAPS Leg/Reg Update – November 10, 2011

Postal reform legislation took a major step forward on Wednesday as a Senate panel overwhelmingly approved a bipartisan bill on a 9-1 vote. The bill now goes to the full Senate.

The Postal Service is expected to announce a $10B loss for the recently concluded fiscal year and its payment of a $5.5B retiree health benefit payment has been delayed until November 18. Without legislative relief, USPS is likely to run out of cash and be unable to meet its payroll by next summer.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved a revised version of The 21st Century Postal Service Act, S. 1789, introduced by Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE) and Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA).

The revised version of the bill assures all non-union employees the choice to stay in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program if USPS were to leave the FEHBP and create a new health plan, as negotiated with and approved by all four postal employee unions. NAPS and the other management associations also would have the opportunity to participate in the discussions leading to any new USPS health plan. These revisions to the bill were added at the request of NAPS and NAPUS.

At Wednesday’s markup, the Committee also adopted amendments that:

— Strike the bill’s original provision requiring that eligible postal retirees drop FEHBP coverage in favor of Medicare as their primary insurer. (Republican conservatives on the Committee joined with some Democrats in eliminating the Medicare provision from the bill, which the Postal Service contended would save millions of dollars.);

— Require the Postal Service to set minimum standards of service and consider alternatives to closure prior to closing any post office currently under consideration for closure;

— Assure Congressional oversight over Postal Service contracts; and

— Require the Postal Service to inform Congress of its actions and rationale in response to advisory opinions of the Postal Regulatory Commission.

The bill’s provisions revamping the government’s workers comp program remained intact, despite efforts by Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-HI) at the markup to strike the provisions from the bill. Akaka was the only committee member to vote against the bill, due to concerns about the workers comp changes.

Also, the bill’s provisions providing for elimination of six-day delivery in two years remained, after an amendment by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) to initiate five-day delivery immediately failed on a 5-12 vote. Under the bill, USPS may proceed toward five-day delivery in two years after showing it has exhausted all other cost-cutting options and has come up with remedies to soften the impact on customers who may be disproportionately affected.

USPS workforce downsizing employee buyouts — either through voluntary incentive payments up to $25K or additional service credit of one year for CSRS employees and two years for FERS employees — also remain in the bill. The buyouts, which will be used to eliminate at least 100,000 jobs by 2015, will cost nearly $2 billion and will be financed by a portion of the $7 billion in overpaid FERS monies that USPS will receive. The company may use the balance of the money to pay down some $15 billion in debt to the U.S. Treasury and for other purposes.

The legislation would significantly lower the amount — currently around $5.5 billion — that the Postal Service has to pay each year to “pre-fund” future retiree health care benefits.

At Wednesday’s markup, Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) offered, then withdrew an amendment that would reduce USPS executive compensation and cap the Postmaster General’s salary at $174,000 — the current level of Congressional pay. The PMG makes $276,840 annually before bonuses and other perks. Tester estimated the amount saved through his amendment could keep five rural post offices open in Montana. “If our employees have to sacrifice, then there’s no reason why the leaders shouldn’t sacrifice too,” he said. Opponents, including Sen. Lieberman and Sen. Carper, said it would reduce the Postal Service’s capacity to attract and retain talented leadership. A compromise version of the Tester amendment could be offered when the bill comes to the Senate floor.

The legislation’s goal is to “get the Postal Service back in the black and help it remain financially sound into the future,” Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman (I-CT), said in a news release. No date has been set for the full Senate to take up the bill.

In the House, a more controversial postal bill, H.R. 2309, introduced by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Rep. Dennis Ross (R-FL) also awaits action by the full House. The bill, cleared last month along party lines by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, would deal with the Postal Service’s financial problems by treating it as a bankrupt institution and throw it into receivership.

The Congressional Budget Office must release cost estimates on the budgetary impact of the Senate and House bills before either chamber may move ahead to take each of them up.

Bruce Moyer
Legislative Counsel to NAPS
[email protected]

Management Salary Freeze

Management Salary Freeze



Nov. 9, 2011

Link Extra


To help reduce costs, the Postal Service today announced it is freezing Postmaster, manager, administrative and supervisor pay for fiscal years 2011 and 2012. USPS also is changing its sick and annual leave earnings formulas for new hires in these positions.

Effective Jan. 14, 2012, individuals hired from outside the Postal Service as supervisory or managerial employees or as Postmasters will accrue annual and sick leave at different rates than current employees (see table below). The accrual rate for current employees in these positions — as well as current employees who are promoted to these categories in the future — will not change.

This action follows decisions made earlier this year, including an officer and executive pay freeze implemented in July. Last spring, the American Postal Workers Union, which represents 209,834 employees, agreed to a two-year pay freeze and other provisions that will save the Postal Service $3.8 billion over the term of the negotiated labor agreement.

Today’s announcement affects nearly 62,000 Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS) category employees, including more than 44,000 represented by the Postal Service’s three management associations. The National Association of Postal Supervisors (NAPS) represents 23,385 supervisory and managerial employees. The National Association of Postmasters of the United States (NAPUS) and the National League of Postmasters of the United States (NLPM) represent 13,741 and 7,271 Postmasters, respectively.

Today’s announcement follows pay consultations with those associations. USPS consults with management associations on pay and benefit packages. Postal Service management employees do not have access to collective bargaining.

The wage freeze also applies to 17,439 additional EAS employees not represented by management associations.

Formula for Earning Sick and Annual Leave (calculated by years of service)

  New Hires
(Effective Jan. 14, 2012) 
Current Employees
Annual Leave
10 days if less than 5 years     13 days if less than 3 years
  15 days if 5 years
but less than 15 years
20 days if more than 3 years
and less than 15 years
  20 days if 15 years or more 26 days if more than 15 years
Sick Leave 3 hours per pay period 4 hours per pay period

Note:  One pay period equals two weeks. There are 26 pay periods per year.