Board Memo 148-2024: Executive Board Meeting Minutes
- in L.T.S. Materials

Click here for Full Board Memo re Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Thank you for re-electing me as your Northeast Region Vice President. I was truly overwhelmed by the support given to me. I can now return to a job I love doing, representing the entire Northeast Region. There is a lot of work to be done, including the Supervisor Apprentice pilot program, working on the lawsuit with the Executive Board, hopefully finalizing the non-use of EAS delivering mail, maintaining the SWCS formula as written, and, most of all, communicating with the USPS to continue to get what’s best for all of our members. I want to personally thank Branch 68, Brooklyn, N.Y., and its President, Jamaal Muhammad, who also served as my campaign manager, for getting our message out successfully. I can’t thank you enough, Mo. You are always there for me. As we say in Brooklyn, “Stay tuned and stay strong.”
Tommy Roma
Mo & Tommy at convention break
A Brooklyn reunion at the CT Convention. From left: V.P. Walter DeBerry, N.E.R.V.P. Tommy Roma, President Jamaal Muhammad, and Retired NAPS member, Rafa Brathwaite, talk about the good old days in the Brooklyn Division of the USPS.
DM CT Valley Carissa Laino with N.E.R.V.P. Tommy Roma at Convention.
Tommy & Mo at Convention Museum
Tommy at museum at Foxwoods in CT
Jon Bu, Branch 68 Brooklyn N.Y. (center on stage), receives 2nd place award for membership at convention.
From left to right: Louis Dejoy, Tommy Roma, and Jimmy Warden
From left: President Jamaal Muhammad, proud parents Linda and Dong Chen, award winner Jaydon Chen, M3 Technology Awards Presenter Robert Pescitelli, N.E.R.V.P. Tommy Roma, and V.P. Walter DeBerry. A good night was had by all.
M3 Technology Scholarship awarded to Maria Maricic as President N.J.S. Jon Kofsky (left) along with proud father and member, John Maricic, Mideast Area V.P., Tony Dellajacono, Northeast Area V.P. Tommy Roma, & M3 Technology Representative, Ralph Dente proudly look on.
Tommy Roma NAPS N.E.R.V.P. visiting with Jill Miniard, Director, HQ Field Labor Relations, Atlantic Area – Eastern Region, U.S.P.S at the N.J. State Convention.
Tommy Roma NAPS N.E.R.V.P. visiting with Jill Miniard, Director, HQ Field Labor Relations, Atlantic Area – Eastern Region, U.S.P.S at the N.J. State Convention.