Author: tommyroma


As I look around at the upcoming changes on the Executive Board, Resident Officers, and possibly our DDF provider Scialla associates, I can’t help but wonder the faith of NAPS. It will be a very challenging time for the Executive Board to come together for the future of NAPS. It is time to put aside our petty differences and all work for the betterment of NAPS.

The report of the finance committee was incomplete. The chairman gave her report and stated that she would not give the report on the building at this time because she did not want to upset some board members. What did she mean? Were they planning on getting bids for the sale of the building, your guess is as good as mine. The building is the mainstay of naps and perhaps the greatest accomplishment of our late and great president Vince Palladino. It is completely paid for, fully rented, tax free, and we pay no rent. It was purchased for close to 4 million and in today’s market is valued at 17 million. I know that this stupidity will never get past the floor if presented, the membership will vote it down. What the hell are some board members thinking?

As for violence in the work place, the Executive Board passed a motion made by Hans Aglidian that NAPS secede from our commitment to this program based on past and present history that it favors the craft and management associations really don’t have a say in the process. I believe I have come up with a solution that is favorable to both NAPS and the postal service which would enable us to stay in the program and finally have our day in court.

The restructuring committee was formed after the last convention to comply with the wishes of the membership as to what NAPS s was doing to streamline the board and areas. The committee reported at the last Executive Board meeting some pretty good ideas which will be reported to the membership at our convention.

The SWCS committee has been working hard to come up with some solutions to help the front line supervisor who is on the firing line. I agreed to help Jimmy Warden in his quest to get something from the USPS for the SWCS process. We have met with the postal service and laid out our plan. They took our information and agreed to get back to us. Recently they called to set up another meeting which in the past meant that our information was good and they would like to share what they came up with. This is the way it is done and it takes time.

Finally, I am running for another term of office as your Regional Vice President. I will put my record up against anyone who has served for as long as I have. I was elected as the N.Y. Area Vice President in Alaska in 2000 and immediately set out to make a difference. After the untimely death of my friend Andy Sozzi I was elevated to North East Region Vice President a job I was doing along with mine. I am proud to report that we have the best region in membership, along with adverse actions won or settled. I have never lost a case during my tenure as the New York Area V.P. or the Regional V.P. I will continue to do the job I love most defending supervisors and hope that you will send me back for another term. Let me conclude by saying it has been an honor and privilege for me to be the Northeast Region Vice President for the greatest membership any one can have. God bless you and god bless America.

Stay strong
Tommy Roma