NAPS Executive Board Teleconference Minutes – November 14, 2012
NAPS HQ held its first Post NAPS/USPS Consultative Executive Board teleconference to review and discuss the responses from the USPS regarding NAPS’s November 14 2013 NAPS/USPS Consultative agenda items. President Atkins briefed the Executive Board on the following agenda items. (Note: November 2012 Consultative Minutes will be sent to Executive Board)
1. The status of the recommendations of the Fact Finding panel pertaining to eight EAS positions under review for potential upgrades.
2. An update on the current closure and consolidation plan of plants for 2013 & 2014.
3. Current status of the new SWCs model being implemented to the field.
4. NAPS would like an update on the remaining impacted employees in the field.
5. NAPS would like an update on the posting of vacant positions in the field.
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